Friday, September 1, 2023
William C. Harris Funeral Directors-Spanish Lake Chapel
1645 Redman Ave.
St. Louis, MO 63138
Friday, September 1, 2023
William C. Harris Funeral Directors-Spanish Lake Chapel
1645 Redman Ave.
St. Louis, MO 63138
Aunt Margaret always made me laugh and smile. She had this aura that made you want to be around her. I will miss you dearly!
❤️ Jessie Carr(Stacker)
Great is Thy Faithfulness Oh God My Father, There is no shadow of turning with Thee, Thou changest not. Thy compassion they fail not as Thou hast been, Thy forever will be, Great is Thy Faithfulness, Great is Thy Faithfulness, morning by morning new Mercies I see, All I have needed, Thy hand hath provided. Great is Thy Faithfulness Lord unto me. Beautiful memories of you full of laughter, meekness and a quiet spirit.
Love you Auntie.
Neice, Marie Hilliard
Aunt Margaret was an exquisitely beautiful woman. To lose her is truly a sad feeling. She will be missed. Kevin & Bertha Stacker
My Aunt Margaret was a confidant and friend, not just an Aunt. My memories of her are kindness, compassion, and love.
Niece Brenda Stacker
Sorry for loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you guy. I have such fond memories of Margret.
Barbara Curtis, retired co-worker of Miles Davis Elementary School